The Forum Track is an interactive platform for presenting and discussing new ideas, novel research reports and artefacts or tools on the full range of methods, models, techniques, or technology employed in Business Informatics and Enterprise Computing. The primary objective of the track is to foster interaction, discussion, and the sharing of ideas among speakers and attendees.
The main goal is to encourage potential participants to present emerging topics and contentious viewpoints while showcasing innovative systems, tools, and applications.
Submissions encompass new and promising research findings, inventive applications, experience reports, as well as proposals for ongoing research at its initial phases. Emphasis is placed on innovation and early-stage ideas over maturity, especially in relation to emerging research areas.
The Forum track allows for the following types of submissions:
- Forum papers (up to 14 pages) present novel and innovative research in business informatics and enterprise computing that is not necessarily mature or fully evaluated but comprises interesting early results or carries promise for high future impact. Forum papers may also present novel applications in industrial contexts, or new and innovative research endeavors that are still at an exploratory stage.
- Vision papers (6 pages) have a particular focus on the future of business informatics and enterprise computing or anticipate new challenges and opportunities. Submission of vision papers may describe novel projects that are in an early stage but hold out the strong promise of eventual high impact (in this case, the paper should describe what the success criteria are for the vision project).
Submissions must follow the Springer CS Style (an Overleaf LaTeX template is available) and must be done via EasyChair (be carefull in submiting in the correct track):
Accepted papers will be included in a post-proceedings volume published in the LNBIP series by Springer.