In addition to traditional workshops, we encourage the submission of proposals that follow the model of the renowned Dagstuhl seminars, which put specific emphasis on open and enthusiastic discourses.
“Mini Dagstuhl” seminars organized at previous conferences provided an enriching experience and were extremely well received by the participants. A “Mini Dagstuhl” seminar is a great opportunity to explore and plan the preparation of a real Dagstuhl seminar.
A “Mini Dagstuhl” seminar is part of the conference, with sessions scheduled for the same days of the conference; therefore, participants need to register with the conference (there is a special conference package for those participants who plan to attend only a “Mini Dagstuhl” seminar).
A typical seminar may take one day or a half day. The structure would include short introductory statements by all participants, which may be followed by focused debates, panel discussion, short presentations, breakout sessions etc.
Proposals for “mini Dagstuhl” seminars should account for the following aspects:
- Seminar organizers: A seminar should be organized by at least two experienced experts of the targeted field.
- Motivation: Why is the topic of the seminar of specific relevance for current or future research?
- Structure: The intended duration and structure of the seminar (a typical seminar may take one day or a half day).
- Participants: A list of participants to be invited. Participation is by invitation only and restricted to experts in the area of each seminar’s topic. It is appreciated but not mandatory that prospective participants have already agreed at the time when a proposal is submitted.
- Each accepted paper must have one of its authors registered by the author registration deadline (see important dates).
Submissions of proposals for “Mini Dagstuhl” can follow any reasonalbe template and have no limit of pages.
For questions about preparing and organising a “Mini Dagstuhl” seminar, please contact <>