Industry and Case Reports Call

The CBI and EDOC research domains take their inspiration from needs and opportunities in practice. Therefore, it is important to promote a channel to report on interesting cases from practice; even when they are not case studies in the formal sense. We invite cases from science and practice related to the CBI and EDOC topics of interest.

Requirements on case reports

Case reports are required to follow the STARRE template:

  1. The Situation in which the case is positioned. This includes (but is not limited to) the broader context of the case organization (e.g. market, competition), the characteristics of the case organization (key facts and figures on size), its challenges and opportunities, important stakeholders, the reason why the case project was initiated.
  2. The Task that had to be conducted. This includes (but is not limited to) goals and objectives of the work that needed to be done, its budget and timelines, special requirements, the availability, and roles, of the various stakeholders.
  3. The Approach taken. This includes (but is not limited to) the method used, the various steps in this method, the paradigm or underlying philosophy of the approach/method, the work products and deliverables (and their characteristics in terms of purpose and required qualities) that were produced including a discussion of design alternatives and design decisions, the people/roles involved in creating and using the deliverables, the way in which the project was planned and managed, the risk management approach and the tools used.
  4. The Results that were achieved; also in relation to the Tasks that were given. This includes (but is not limited to) the actual costs/benefits for the organization in which the case is situated and stakeholders, the roles played by the different deliverables (e.g. models and architectures) as well as an associated cost/benefit analysis for these deliverables.
  5. A Reflection on the case. This includes (but is not limited to) a discussion about the faced challenges, the way in which existing instruments (languages, methods, reference models, tools, etc) were selected, and aided in dealing with these challenges, the omissions and limitations found in using these, as well as thoughts on how to remedy such omissions and limitations.
  6. Evidence: What sources were used to author the case report? How were they gathered and used in authoring this case report? For instance: Was the case report (co-)authored by the actual practitioners? Did the authors conduct interviews of the practitioners involved? How were these interviews conducted? Or, did the authors conduct a form of “investigative journalism”?

The case descriptions are not required to contain references to scientific literature perse, although this is certainly recommended, especially in the reflection part.


Submissions can range from 10 to 25 pages and must follow the Springer CS Style (an Overleaf LaTeX template is available) and must be done via EasyChair (be carefull in submiting in the correct track):


Accepted cases will be invited to submit a paper to be included in a post-proceedings volume of the conference, to be published in CEUR or in the LNBIP series by Springer.