The journal-first paper presentations will feature papers that fit CBI and EDOC’s topics and that have been published recently in journals (from 2023 on). Authors that can take advantage of the conference to make a wider dissemination of that work, announce other reltated results, and propose a deeper discussion on the subjects, can submit their papers for consideration, following this format:
- paper title and abstract,
- a pre-print of the paper in PDF,
- a DOI or a link to the published version
Papers will be selected by the CB I and EDOC chairs, with a focus on fit of topics for the conference and relevance for the community. Detailed technical reviews will not be performed, since published papers have already gone through rigorous review processes.
By submitting a proposal (see important dates), the authors declare that the work was not published as part of a conference special issue. At least one author of the paper commits to registering and presenting the paper at the conference. Papers will not be part of the CBI or EDOC proceedings; they will be listed in the program, with links to the original publication made available to the participants. However, the program committee may invite accepted authors to submit a 2 pages extended abstract for including in the LNBIP post-proceedings. Authors of accepted for journal-first paper presentations also will be considered by the program committee as important stimulus for panels to be offered during the conference.